Help for Those who Struggle with Sexual Brokenness

We’re So Glad You’ve Found Awaken

We know asking for help with sexual struggles isn’t easy, so we’re honored and excited for the opportunity to help you in any way we can.

Our vision is to help people live the lives they were created for; and our mission is to offer hope, freedom, and recovery from sexual brokenness.

We hope you’ll now take the important next step of contacting us. You can be sure we will respond quickly with information and resources to help you move toward the change you’ve been looking for.

So that we can give you the best and most appropriate help, please select the option below that best describes your situation. You will find options there for contacting us.



seeking recovery from unwanted or addictive sexual behavior

Finding a life free from unwanted or compulsive sexual behavior may seem impossible, but it’s not. We’re here to help. We believe experiencing freedom is a process in which we find community, break the addictive cycle, and in doing so, discover wholeness in life. We offer several resources to help you in this process. Check them out below.



seeking support and recovery from sexual betrayal trauma by your partner

Your pain is real. The trauma stemming from discovering your husband/partner’s sexually compulsive behavior. We are here to help you find loving support, heal your heart, and find freedom in your own life. We offer several resources that will help you begin this journey. Find out how below.



seeking recovery from unwanted or addictive sexual behavior

Sexual brokenness is not something only experienced by men. More and more women find themselves struggling with unhealthy or addictive sexual behavior. Rather than believing shaming messages, it’s time for you to find help and community, and to discover that you’re not alone. We offer online community for women seeking recovery, as well as recommendations for counselors. See below for more info.



seeking help shepherding/caring for sexually broken people

Sexual brokenness is pervasive in the Church. Difficulties arise as you strive to faithfully help others through these issues. Churches that provide biblical teaching, a plan for care and restoration, and loving support are in the best position to help others. We are here to help your church provide all these to your congregation and community. To find out how we can come alongside your church see more below.